Sunday, November 12, 2023

introducing Davon Martin


Hey there family! Hope everyone is healthy and ready to put a ribbon on 2023. I can't believe it is already time for another Holiday season. It seem like it was just yesterday I got released from the hospital and although I am still battling the fungus in my brain, I'm hopeful the doctors can figure out a way to cure me. It was a rough year but I hit the gym, started my own company with DJ Meladik and we have survived the worst inflation in history. Which is one of the reason I wanted to Introduce you to our new friend Davon Martin.

I think perspective is a big reason I have been able to overcome the hardest time imaginable. We all go through Mental Health struggles and even more so when we are good to our friends and family in need of Rock, having issues of their own. It's really all about Mindset Mastery and Davon Martin has plenty of content helping us understand how to achieve our goals.

Most of us are striving for peace and happiness, but usually have a hard time achieving due to the conflicts within, which is why perspective is so important. It all starts with you and having the determination to find that happy place. Davon Martin has been able to help so many reach their personal goals. Lessons that help us understand ourselves, the world, relationships, and yes, even money.

The best part is you can absorb these lesson and learn new philosophies with Davon on the way to work, at the office, cooking... or even at the gym. Davon Martin recently launched his brand new podcast on spotify and all major platforms. Short and Straight to point episodes that can help us grow daily. 

If that isn't enough. for the rest of the year anyone who visits his new website will get a free gift. So don't miss out, be sure to visit his site before the offer runs out. DJ Meladik and I are planning on signing up and recapping on our podcast. Goody vibes, information, inspiration and motivation! Davon Martin has them all covered be sure to follow him on the Socials so you can join our network of  knowledge. 

As you know every year Riverside has the Festival of Lights kicking off next week, so DJ Meladik and I are planning on passing out gifts, flyers stickers and more. We will be having fun spreading the word about the radio station, our podcast and awesome peeps like Davon Martin. Stay tuned we have a special video announcement next week... see ya then!

Davon Martin on FaceBook

Davon on Youtube